patient portal
ux & ui

a simple clinic ux & ui
case study

the project overview

This project will deliver a new environmental data management solution to improve the management of environmental data to maintain compliance and improve performance. It will simplify and rationalize systems and associated processes by replacing five instances of EnviroSys currently operating independently across Minerals Australia.

The management of environmental data across all Minerals Australia assets will move to an integrated platform using the Real Time Data Platformintegrated with the GIS Technology Platform and Business Intelligence.

without human centred design thinking, behavioural safety becomes about controlling individuals instead of understanding how they work in order to improve the work environment.

All UX activities are to inform how we design because everything we do is to help them to operate more efficiently

we want to know about our staff first and foremost

which UX activities were used for this project

All UX activities are to inform how we design because everything we do is to help them to operate more efficiently

we want to know about our staff first and foremost

which UX activities were used for this project

user research

Interviews and Contextual enquiry were conducted to inform how we will design, because everything we do is to help them to operate more efficiently

user interview

Interviewing gave our team an opportunity to speak directly with the people who can help us make informed decisions. Through these interviews we gained a better sense of people and their views of the world by subtly eliciting their true feelings, desires, struggles, and opinions through a few carefully crafted questions. An additional sensitivity to the unplanned and unscripted aspects of an
interview can allow for equally illuminating discoveries.

contextual enquiry

The contextual enquiries placed us in the midst of a person’s environment where we were able to enquire about their experiences in context as they were happening. Consequently, inputs came directly from the people who have the most knowledge, saving the team from making assumptions about how and why things are done.

persona profiles

A persona is a representation of a type of customer. Personas answer the question, “Who are we designing for?” and they help to align strategy and goals to specific user groups. For this project we created 3 to represent all the main functionalities required.

Matthew Dunne

In my day to day role I need to make sure all the data is available for monitoring and reporting. It comes from different departments within the company as well as from labs.”

Maggie Hunt

It’s part of my routine to monitor all results that might contravene limits set in our EAs. If we hit these limits I need to know all that has been done to remediate the incident.”

I do my work in patterns. I get my tasks on 1SAP for both, when a report is due as well as when the data collection needs to be input into the system.”

user journeys

A persona is a representation of a type of customer. Personas answer the question, “Who are we designing for?” and they help to align strategy and goals to specific user groups. For this project we created 3 to represent all the main functionalities required.

an example of a delivered user journey

user centred  design

Every screen has been handcrafted having the end-user in mind, bringing all the systems together into a single interface.

let it be about the users

It was unveiled during user research that the enviros hardly ever change mine sites. So instead of requiring them to navigate to their location’s page every time they log into the system we created a ‘welcome flow’ that at their first visit, the users will be able to select their home location and from that point onwards they will only navigate to other site if they require, saving them time and demonstrating that the system know who they are.

The findings & recommendations

alerts and notifications

they need to be on point, easy to change and always reflecting what’s happening in real time.

custom dashboards

always with up-to-date data, dynamic to change from site-to-site and easy to share.

templates and reporting

some reports are done over and over again, creating templates and auto populating them with up-to-date data would speed up the reporting process.

automated verification

the system should be smart enough to verify what data points are missing from the file uploaded from the lab and generate a notification into the system.

unique links [url]

Every page should have its own URL so when notifications are created we can take the users directly to the page that needs amendment.

data comparison

Once the data has been populated into the system, it should be the baseline for the data input moving forward.

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